Chapter 4 [Why?]

Mrs. Li was frightened by Bai Chenghan's words, but soon she realised the reason for Bai Chenghan's actions, so she patiently and softly comforted him: "I know you are a good boy, but you can't deliberately mess around with your marriage just out of anger. The thing is that our Li family is sorry for you, and I will ask Zizheng to give you an explanation. If Zizheng really refuses to repent, then the Li family will also compensate you from other places."
After she was disappointed with Zizheng just now, she had already thought of a way to make up for it, which was the betrothal gift that the Li family would give to the Bai family when Li Zizheng and Bai Wenyu were about to get married.
But the reason for so much attention is that the Li family thought that Bai Wenyu was the one who married Li Zizheng back then.
Since Bai Wenyu is not, why should the Li family give the betrothal gift to them again?
Since Li Zizheng is willing to blatantly break his promise for such a "bamboo horse" full of lies and is willing to leave the Li family, let him find a way to satisfy the appetite of the Bai family.
She wanted to see if Li Zizheng and Bai Wenyu could get along smoothly without the Li family.
Of course, it was originally meant to be given to the child. Since it is not a gift anymore, it should be given as compensation.
Mrs. Li thought that Bai Chenghan wanted to marry because he wanted to leave the Bai family, so she also said directly: "All these years, the Li family has always thought that Bai Wenyu is you, and the Li family has already started preparing for the engagement, and of course, it has been prepared long ago. However, Bai Wenyu is a fake; you are the rightful owner. Although you have no fate with Zizheng, this gift money is the Li family’s compensation for you.”
Bai Chenghan was very surprised when he heard it, he didn't hear this in his previous life. The betrothal gifts given to him were several properties, gift money, and 1% of the shares of Li's Group.
But even so, Bai Chenghan didn't get these because he didn't know about the betrothal when he married at the time, and when he went back to question them in a daze, the three had already thought up a countermeasure.

Bai Chenghan mistakenly thought that what he was compensated for was the original gift money for the marriage. Although it was nothing to the Li family, it was already an astronomical figure to Bai Chenghan.
Just one percent of Li's Group's shares is enough for him to pay over 100 million dividends every year.
Even though Bai Chenghan was clear, he still refused: "The old lady misunderstood; since the marriage failed, there is no such thing as compensation. Old lady, I am not angry or joking; I am really willing to marry Mr. Li."
After Bai Chenghan finished speaking, he looked at Mrs. Li earnestly with a smile in his eyes. His eyes were clear and clean. At this moment, he smiled with his eyebrows bent.
But the greenness of his face is completely opposite to the temperament of the whole person. The former is rough jade that has not been polished, while the latter is honesty that has gone through thousands of sails. Mrs. Li couldn't help but soften her eyes.
It's also their fault that they trusted the Bai family so much and made such a big oolong!
(kiwii: oolong is Chinese tea, but here the word is used for criticism, argument, or action)

Mrs. Li shook her head: "It's fine if you didn't know about the fifth child, but now... I'm afraid it will delay you. Don't mention it again, Mr. Bai; don't refuse it. These things were originally for Zizheng's child bride. I thought it was Bai Wenyu at first, but since you are the rightful owner, even if the marriage fails, compensation must be given. In addition to what Zizheng's parents prepared, it was given by me and the old man as elders. There are several properties, three companies under Li's Group, plus a 2% stake in Li's Group."
Seeing that Bai Chenghan was still unmoved and still wanted to refuse, the old lady spoke first: "Think about it carefully; these things in your current situation will only benefit you. What's more, don't you want to vent your anger? Bai Wenyu also knows about this, but now he has lost his qualifications."
After all, she has lived for dozens of years, and she still can't see the child's little thoughts?
Bai Chenghan was indeed surprised, but he didn't want to take these things.
But what the old lady said is right, at least for now. He also doesn't want Bai Wenyu to get it; if Bai Wenyu knows, he will be pissed off.
He thought for a while: "I will think about it." At worst, I will return it to Li Yu.
Bai Chenghan still didn't give up on the marriage: "Old lady, you also think about what I said; in fact, Mr. Li and I have met before."
Mrs. Li was taken aback for a moment: "What? You have met Lao Wu?"
(kiwii: Lao่€: prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity; Wuไบ”: fifth/five)
Bai Chenghan nodded seriously: "I also just realised that the old lady came here for Mr. Li, so I came up with this idea. Mr. Li went to Jiangcheng on a business trip the year before last. At that time, my grandmother was not in good health and just needed to see a doctor. We lost our wallets on the way and were kicked out of the car. It was very hot at the time, but fortunately, Mr. Li passed by and let us go to the hospital in his car. Originally, I came to Yuncheng this time to go to university, and I just wanted to meet him and thank him in person, but I didn't expect... Mr. Li had a car accident half a year ago. I just knew that they were planning to match his horoscope, and I wanted to repay Mr. Li, so I acquiesced in their doing so and handed over my birthday horoscope."
Bai Chenghan wasn't lying. When he was eighteen years old, he took his grandmother from the countryside to Jiangcheng for medical treatment. Li Yu indeed helped him.
But they didn't just meet on that side. Later, he happened to be moving bricks for someone in the project that Li Yu came to Jiangcheng to be in charge of, and he met him several times.
Bai Chenghan was in poor health when he was a child, so he went to school late in order to heal his illness. When he was eighteen years old, he was only in the first year of high school, so he could only take advantage of the summer vacation to do physical work. Later, Li Yu saw it and gave him an internship opportunity; although it was only doing odd jobs in the company, it was much better than moving bricks.
It's just that at that time, Bai Chenghan didn't know that he was Li Yu.
It wasn't until the night of the wedding that he knew that he was not marrying Li Zizheng, but seeing Li Yu's face lying on the hospital bed, he still stayed.
But at that time, he didn't know that he had been robbed of the Luck Stone, and he was plagued by bad luck. Not only did he fail to help Li Yu, but he also caused him to die trying to save himself.
Mrs. Li didn't expect this to happen. Thinking about the previous year, the fifth child was indeed in Jiangcheng.
"Even if this is the case, this matter is not negotiable!" Mrs. Li still firmly shook her head and refused.
Bai Chenghan didn't continue to persevere, but he didn't give up, and he saw that Mrs. Li would not agree today no matter what.
Fortunately, he knew that things would turn around soon, so he just pretended to be sorry: "Old lady, I am really willing to help. Although it is a serious marriage, we can still get divorced in the future, right? Please think about it carefully. Mr. Li and I have the same birth date. What if Mr. Li's health improves after we really get married?"
However, Mrs. Li got up and said, "Then Mr. Bai should also think about the matter of compensation. This meeting is too hasty, and we will discuss it in detail next time when we meet alone."
After Mrs. Li and Bai Chenghan exchanged contact information, Mrs. Li left first.
Bai Chenghan sat in the box and didn't move, but he directly asked the system: "Xiaobai, since you are the luck space accumulation system, born as the son of luck who went against the way of heaven and got nothing for nothing, don't tell me you are just a space storage."
     [Of course not! Our ability is still very strong!]
Bai Chenghan: "Oh? Can there be a treasure chest? Can it be exchanged for appearance? Luck? Or other skills?
     [Since we are anti-luck, we definitely can't have these. Of course, we are still very useful...] It's just that the voice of the system was getting weaker and weaker, and Bai Chenghan caught it. The reason he asked this is because he also suddenly remembered that the system can't rely on him alone to fight against luck, right? Some effort must be made.
Bai Chenghan: "So what are your uses?"
     [As long as the host can prevent the opponent's host from obtaining luck, then the host can get as much anti-luck as the amount of luck the host prevents. When the host reaches a certain level, the space level can be opened. Now the host is level 0, when it reaches level 1, the space will expand, and there will be a spiritual spring pool. As long as you soak in hot spring water, it can not only cure diseases, but also strengthen your body.]
Bai Chenghan's eyes lit up. Cure? Isn't that exactly what Li Yu wanted?
"How many anti-luck points are needed to raise the space level to level 1?"
Bai Chenghan didn't think much about it, but he didn't say it so bluntly on the surface. He felt that the system still had a lot of things to confess: "That's it? I need to work hard to save up to 100 points to open it. On the other hand, Bai Wenyu only needs to get one point. With some luck points, he can exchange points for things that exceed his own strength. Doesn't it seem... that you are weaker than his system?"
     [Of course not!] You can say anything, but you must never say it is weak!
     [Although we don't advocate opportunism, we are not weak; we just disdain using those crooked methods, but since it is to punish evil and promote good, we still have a special purpose.]
Bai Chenghan raised his eyebrows: "For example?"
     [Cough, for example, you can use the anti-qi luck value to check the current emotional value of the people around you, such as heartbeat value, liking value, disgust value, physical value, etc. Does it sound super powerful?!]
Bai Chenghan sighed: "So I can only watch loneliness? Look at Bai Wenyu, the buff can still exist after being exchanged; I can not only watch this but also need to consume anti-luck points?"
Although Bai Chenghan didn't continue to say anything else, the subtext was just one sentence: Are you not good enough?
     […Who, who said you could only watch this? We can give you some benefits: Bai Wenyu's various emotional values and various panel strengths; you can watch it for free, right?]
Bai Chenghan almost didn't laugh, but his face still didn't show it: "Only the suffering protagonist?"
(kiwii: suffering/shou)
     [Forget it; the protagonist's attack can also be added, right?]
(kiwii: attack/gong/partner)
But Bai Chenghan continued: "Including Li Yu's."
     [Host, you are too much. Li Yu is cannon fodder; he cannot be free, and it's not expensive to watch once; 1 point of anti luck value.]
Bai Chenghan knows that the system won't give in, it seems that he can only get two free ones, but it's a little bit of savings.
"If I succeed in stopping it, can Bai Wenyu feel it?"
     [No! You have to trust me, Xiaobai.]
After Bai Chenghan figured it out, he finally stood up. He could check the various values of the two at any time, and he could easily adjust his strategy. Now that he was reborn, if these two people could use him and Li Yu as cannon fodder, then he lived in vain.
It was just the moment when the door of the box opened, and when he saw Bai Wenyu and Li Zizheng, who had gone and returned, Bai Chenghan changed his awe-inspiring uprightness in front of the old lady just now and stood there leisurely, lazily, but with a sense of danger. He cast a cool sideways glance at Bai Wenyu and said, "Get out of the way."

Bai Wenyu was frightened by this look for a while, but when he saw that the other party had returned to normal, he thought that he had misread it, so he immediately started acting; his eyes were red, and he said pitifully, "Brother, we want to talk to you."
Li Zizheng was also surprised by the completely different Bai Chenghan just now and frowned deeply, but he didn't even realise that his focus had been on the other party frequently.
Bai Chenghan lazily listened to Bai Wenyu's intentional "we", and that kind of sneaky demonstration made him smile: "Okay." But at the same time, he let Xiaobai open the emotional panel of the two in his mind.
Free value shouldn't be wasted.
Almost at the same time as Bai Chenghan finished speaking in his mind, a transparent panel appeared on the heads of the two people opposite him with a swipe.
  [Bai Wenyu] 
  [Beauty Points: 50] 
  [Heartbeat Points (for Li Zizheng): 30] 
  [Favorability Points (for Bai Chenghan): 0] 
  [Comprehensive Skill Points: 30]
Bai Chenghan looked at the heartbeat value of 30 and fell silent, especially when he turned his head and saw Li Zizheng's heartbeat value for Bai Wenyu on his forehead was 80. Did he know for a while that the person standing in front of him was indeed a couple?
Isn't the difference a bit big?
Bai Chenghan asked the system in his mind: What is the full value of each piece of data?
     [All 100.]
Bai Chenghan understood; he gave Bai Wenyu a meaningful look, and when the two were about to enter the box, he suddenly asked Bai Wenyu: "Wenyu, didn't you make an appointment to watch the latest movie with Chu Jinsheng at 6 o'clock? It's almost 5 o'clock; why don't you go over?"
As soon as he said this, the two people in front who were still close were stunned, especially Li Zizheng, who turned around suddenly: "Jin Sheng? Why did you make an appointment with Jin Sheng to watch a movie?"
Bai Chenghan watched the heart value on the top of Li Zizheng's head drop to 78, and he let out a wow in his heart. Isn't it so indestructible?
Bai Wenyu was caught off guard, especially because Bai Chenghan knew about it. Could it be that he overheard him calling?
But now he has to quickly explain all this: "I, I didn't, brother; why did you slander me like this?" At the same time, his eyes were red, and he looked at Bai Chenghan with a sad and disappointed face.
Bai Chenghan took out his mobile phone: "That's it. then I'll call Mr. Chu and ask." He said, and began to dial the number.
Bai Wenyu was still firmly convinced that Bai Chenghan was just pretending; he couldn't possibly know Chu Jinsheng's number, but as he dialled the number keys one by one, he suddenly felt a chill, fearing that if Chu Jinsheng would really meet Li Zizheng, wouldn't his fishpond be exposed?
At least he doesn't want to give up Chu Jinsheng's fishpond yet.
"Brother Zizheng, I was wrong! I shouldn’t have kept it from you. I did make an appointment with Brother Jin Sheng!” When Bai Chenghan pressed the last number, Bai Wenyu finally stepped forward to stop Bai Chenghan’s movement.
Bai Chenghan watched the pink value on the top of Li Zizheng's head drop by a bit, raising his eyebrows.
Li Zizheng's chest heaved violently, thinking that he didn't even want the inheritance right for the other party just now; what happened to him? He actually made a private appointment with his roommate to watch a movie?
Li Zizheng took a deep breath, looked at Bai Wenyu who had red eyes and wanted to explain: "I'm so disappointed in you!"
After he finished speaking, he turned around and strode away.
Bai Wenyu yelled, "Brother Zizheng!" Then he glared at Bai Chenghan angrily and gritted his teeth when he saw Bai Chenghan's innocent appearance. The favorability value on the top of his head was originally 0, but it just stuck and turned black, giving it a disgust value of 20.
But when Bai Wenyu had already turned around to catch up with Li Zizheng and took a step, Bai Chenghan leaned against the door of the box with one hand in his pocket and smiled: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention, the old lady said that since you are a counterfeit, you are not the real child fiancรฉ, the dowry gift to the fiancรฉ that she said before naturally does not count, and she also said... to give it to me as compensation. There are so many things—several properties, several companies—and I heard that there are still 2% shares. So much… Then in a few years, I can be worth more than the Bai family just by sitting."
Bai Wenyu's steps that had already been taken stopped just like that, and he turned his head in disbelief: "What, what? What did you say?"
It was too unbelievable; his whole body was trembling with anger, his mind went blank, and only the things he had heard remained.
These will be given to Bai Chenghan?
Why? Those are his!

Bai Wenyu was so angry that his face turned green. He wanted to say that Bai Chenghan was lying, but if the old lady hadn't said it, how could Bai Chenghan know such details?
But when he thought of this possibility, Bai Wenyu went crazy: "Impossible!" He had even flaunted it in advance, saying that he would soon be the boss of X beauty company under the Li Group, and it turned out to be... Bai Chenghan's?
He can't bear this grievance!
Bai Chenghan's eyes fell on Bai Wenyu's back inadvertently, but Bai Wenyu was too angry because of the blow and didn't see it; he slowly and innocently shrugged: "You are not losing money; although you lost those assets, you got Li Zizheng; it’s not a loss, is it? People are much more valuable and rare than these external things, aren’t they?"
"Who cares about it?!" Bai Wenyu blurted out the truth because he was too angry, jealous, and unwilling to reconcile all kinds of emotions.
He only regretted it after he said it, but it doesn't matter if there are only two people here; at this moment, Li Zizheng's voice gnashing his teeth sounded: "Who cares? Ha, it's not rare."
Bai Wenyu turned around abruptly, and when he saw someone coming, his whole body trembled: It's over!

kiwii: reminder that the update WILL be slow as I'm not a Chinese native nor do I have any knowledge of Chinese, so I've to go through various sources and grammar sections because of the broken English by the automatic Google tlator which takes a lot of time. At most, you'll get two chps a day or just a single chp. Tc! (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

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  1. "At most, you'll get two chps a day or just a single chp."

    Hey, that's amazingly fast! Thank you!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. haaha actually I wanted to make it to 3 chps, but unfortunately I can't because there is a lot of household chores plus studies and uni stuff :( and main reason is idk chinese so i have to use mtl and broken english and modify the meaning and tlations which is a lot hassle...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for updating! One chapter a day is amazing so thanks if you do so but don’t feel stressed because of this. Take your time and do what’s best for you.

    1. Thanks for your concern! Yes health is more important than anything else!!


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