Chapter 2 [Luck Stone]

When Bai Chenghan was downstairs just now, he had already confirmed that this jade was absolutely different, and it could even be said that it was of great use to Bai Wenyu, otherwise Bai Wenyu would not have snatched it with such a big fanfare.

For some reason, Bai Wenyu's current appearance flashed in Bai Chenghan's mind, which was completely different from ten years later. Afterwards, he seldom saw Bai Wenyu, and he only saw him on TV.

He thought it was because of makeup, but after thinking about it……that appearance was more like plastic surgery, but can plastic surgery really be so natural that there is no flaw?

Bai Chenghan squinted his eyes and stretched out his hand to pick up the box that was left aside when he was washing his face. He reached out and put the jade stone back in his palm.

Just because he was so focused on what is the difference between the jade stones that he completely forgot about the broken palm he just injured.

As the jade lay in his palm, his blood was absorbed by the jade almost instantly.

Bai Chenghan only felt pain starting from the palm of his hand. The bone-eating pain made him try not to faint. After the blackness in front of his eyes dissipated, Bai Chenghan just lowered his head to look, but he was stunned by the scene.

There was nothing in his palm, the jade……disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there was a red line on his palm, which almost merged with the blood in his palm.

At the same time, a mechanical sound rang in the ear.

     [Congratulations to the host for coming to the Qiyun space system, Xiaobai will serve the host wholeheartedly.]

Bai Chenghan: ?? What?

Before Bai Chenghan could think clearly, many things suddenly flooded into his mind, and it took him a long time to digest many things.

It turns out that the world he lives in is a book, and he is just the cannon fodder elder brother of the son of the god of heaven in the book, the son of luck, who is exactly his half-brother and the protagonist.

His existence is to serve as a stepping stone for the opponent, and the key point of opening is the moment just downstairs.

Three days ago, Bai Wenyu, who is the protagonist, got a treasure chest system, but the system level is too low for the time being to open it. It needs to consume the ancestral stone inherited by someone with good luck to activate it.

Once activated, Bai Wenyu can snatch other people's luck points to exchange for various values in the treasure chest.

Including appearance, luck, favorability, heartthrob attributes, various professional skills, etc.

In the first life, Bai Wenyu did succeed. After he got the jade from Bai Chenghan's ancestors, because the merits in the jade were strong enough, Bai Wenyu immediately soared several levels, and at the same time took away the luck that originally belonged to Bai Chenghan, making him a bad luck carrier.

As for Bai Wenyu, the son of luck, his rest of the life seemed to be on the hook.

Bai Chenghan thought of his half-brother in his previous life, who soon became the most photogenic top star, the youngest movie king in history, won awards in various fields, and even became husbands with his ex-fiancรฉ with whom he was originally set up since childhood, becoming the most suitable on-screen CP couple……

Bai Chenghan felt horrified when he thought that all these were transformed from the luck he snatched from him and others.

After Bai Chenghan digested these inherited memories, he finally asked what he wanted to ask the most: "What are you? What is the space system of luck?"

     [We are the Luck Space Accumulation System born of the sons of luck who go against the way of heaven and get something for nothing. It is strictly shameless that the treasure chest system exists. It is too immoral! There is no lower limit! It is too unethical.]

Bai Chenghan thought about how many people's luck and lives Bai Wenyu had robbed in his previous life, and nodded thoughtfully: "That is to say, even if he doesn't steal my luck, he can also steal other people's luck?"

     [Yes, the ancestors have the same luck passed down from generation to generation, but there is good and bad luck. These good luck can be robbed. However, at least for now, no one's luck can match Xiaobai's!]

Just as Bai Chenghan was about to ask something, there was a knock on the door.

Bai Chenghan knew who it was without even thinking about it. He's afraid that Bai Wenyu was still thinking about the jade in his hand if he didn't give up.

He didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but he suddenly remembered another event that happened today in his previous life, so he decided to open the door, but before that, there were some things that he had to ask clearly.

"Can his treasure chest system see that I have absorbed the jade?" Bai Chenghan didn't want to be exposed so soon, he had just been reborn and was flimsy, and once Bai Wenyu found out, it would be easy to startle the snake.

     [Of course not, let alone the treasure chest system has not been opened, even if it is opened, it is just a general system.]

Bai Chenghan was suspicious: "Really?" How did he get absorbed so easily in his previous life?

     [Cough, after all, the other party's system can only feel that the jade is still on you, and nothing else can detect it.]

Only then did Bai Chenghan go up to open the door, and sure enough, there was Bai Wenyu standing outside, holding a tray with a bowl of soup inside, steaming, when he opened the door, he showed red and guilty eyes, looking at Bai Chenghan pitifully, the voice was choked and wronged: "Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Mom did such a thing……You should be angry, but I have already told Mom, and she knows she was wrong. Look, she asked me to bring you the soup, we are a family after all, even if you are angry, you have to take care of your health."

Bai Chenghan stood still, but he admired Bai Wenyu's shamelessness.

Downstairs he tore his face like that, yet he still looks like a normal person.

Bai Chenghan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and pretended to be mocking: "She knows she's wrong? Shouldn't she come here to apologize to me herself? You can say whatever you say with your mouth? You can't come here privately, right? You make up your own mind to apologize for your mother, does she know? Shall I call her over to confront her?"

Bai Wenyu's face froze. He didn't expect Bai Chenghan to be so difficult all of a sudden. He just knew what happened back then, so why did he change so much?

He didn't show it on his face, but he asked the system in his heart, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was nothing unusual and the jade was still on Bai Chenghan's body.

It seems that I am thinking too much.

Bai Chenghan took his reaction into his eyes, and then he seemed impatient, and put his arm on the door frame: "What on earth do you want to do? If you don't want to say anything, go away quickly, don't delay my sleep!"

Bai Wenyu usually relied on his good tea art to coax him softly, and it was the first time he was treated like this. He insisted on enduring it, but tightened his fingers holding the tray. He did not forget the main purpose of this visit: "Brother, if you're not happy, I won't bother you anymore. I just want to tell you this time that Mrs. Li wants to see you at 3 o'clock in the afternoon to talk about your marriage with the Li family."

He only mentioned Mrs. Li and not Li Zizheng's mother.

But in his previous life, Bai Chenghan preconceived that he was talking about Li Zizheng's mother. After all, it was Li Zizheng who had the marriage contract, and it was Mrs. Li who was going to talk about marriage, so naturally he thought it was Li Zizheng's mother.

It's a pity that Mrs. Li is not Li Zizheng's mother.

kiwii: ik the words are confusing but worry not your doubts will be cleared after a few Paras.

Bai Wenyu didn't see the coldness that flashed in Bai Chenghan's eyes after listening to his words, because the door was mostly blocked, and Bai Chenghan stood there against the light, Bai Wenyu couldn't see the expression on his face clearly for a while, only felt that the other party was half hidden in the dark, half shrouded in the light, the whole person gave a dangerous sense of separation.

For a moment, Bai Wenyu thought that he saw a beast that was about to leave the gate, and without giving any chance to escape, he would pounce on him and bite his neck off.

Bai Wenyu subconsciously took a step back, but then unexpectedly, Bai Chenghan nodded in agreement.

Bai Wenyu didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and couldn't help but look up at Bai Chenghan, but at this time Bai Chenghan had already lowered his head.

Bai Wenyu looked at the slamming door, and his eyes darkened again. He felt a layer of cold sweat on his back, was it an illusion? That scene just now must have been an illusion.

No matter what, if Bai Chenghan agrees, then the next thing will go much smoother, and the matter between him and brother Zizheng will be aboveboard.

Just wait a little longer, wait for him to snatch the jade and take away Bai Chenghan's luck, and then give him to a half-dead man for joy.

It was Bai Chenghan who married someone else first, he was the one who betrayed brother Zizheng first, even if the truth of his life experience is revealed in the future, he is still just an innocent person, and he will be more sympathetic to brother Zizheng!

As for Bai Chenghan……Let him be proud for a few days first.

After Bai Chenghan closed the door, the system's voice sounded at the same time: [He doesn't have such kind intentions, he must have other plans, why would he remind you so kindly? Don't be fooled! Host, why did you agree to go to the appointment?]

Bai Chenghan's face was exceptionally calm. He stood in the bright room again, surrounded by a layer of light, holy and bright, as if what happened in his previous life had never happened, but Bai Chenghan clearly knew it was not the truth.

His voice was calm and cruel: "I know he lied to me. The Mrs. Li he was talking about was not Li Zizheng's mother but Li Zizheng's grandmother, Mrs. Li, and the marriage that will be discussed is not between Li Zizheng and me, but……I and Li Yu."

kiwii: this is the para(above one)

Li Yu, the youngest person in power in this area of the Li Group, took over the Li Group from Mr. Li with his strong strength after returning to China three years ago.

But in just three years, he became the upstart in Yuncheng, the youngest diamond bachelor.

He is low-key and humble. Unfortunately, since Li Yu fell into a coma in a car accident half a year ago, everything disappeared.

Li Yu is the fifth son of Mr. Li, and his fourth brother is Li Zizheng's father.

In other words, Li Yu is Li Zizheng's uncle, but only five years older than Li Zizheng.

Bai Wenyu wanted to be with Li Zizheng, so he, the one who really had a marriage contract with Li Zizheng, had to get rid of him first.

And the way to get rid of him……is to send him a step ahead to marry Li Yu, a dying person.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Chenghan walked out of the guest room in a white shirt and black trousers. It was clearly the simplest attire, but it set off his figure to be extraordinarily slender. Don't know if it was an illusion, but Bai Chenghan, who straightened his back and exposed his entire face, had a reserved temperament. It was hard to remember what he looked like when he first came to Yuncheng.

The moment Bai Wenyu looked up and saw him, jealousy flashed in his eyes, but thinking that Bai Chenghan would soon marry a dying person, and he would no longer be able to rob Brother Zizheng from him, he laughed.

Bai Chenghan also laughed, but even under the warm sunlight, that smile was a bit permeable.

The group of four people arrived at the private room fifteen minutes earlier. The reason why they were not with the Li family was because the Bai family had a guilty conscience.

Old Li met Bai Chenghan's biological mother back then, and Bai Chenghan looked too much like her.

Their purpose this time is to make Mrs. Li mistakenly believe that Bai Chenghan is a relative's child, so he is willing to marry Li Yu.

As for Bai Chenghan, it was to make him think that Li Zizheng's mother was in front of him, talking about his marriage with Li Zizheng.

Mrs. Li arrived on time. She didn't have any hope when she came. He was willing to marry the youngest at this juncture, presumably because he wanted something from the Li family, but she didn't mind, needless to say he's the child of a good family, so it can't be delayed.

But when she saw Bai Chenghan, Mrs. Li looked at this exceptionally brilliant person, but hesitated, and asked again and again: "Are you……really willing to marry into the Li family?"

This child looks so good, even though her youngest son is also a first-class good-looking person, but now he is half dead in a car accident, which is equivalent to being a widow after marriage.

Hao Baoqian was afraid that Bai Chenghan would say the wrong thing, so she hurriedly smiled and said: "This is a destiny decided by God, since he's here, he must be willing, Chenghan, tell us quickly, don't you also want to marry into the Li family?"

Hao Baoqian intentionally used words to conceal the information. She was worried that Bai Chenghan would reveal their secrets, but she didn't expect him to look at the old lady seriously: "I am indeed willing to marry into the Li family."

Father Bai and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, but the breath was not over yet. They only heard Bai Chenghan continue to add a sentence, with lowered eyebrows and eyes, which looked very cute. No matter how you looked at it, it seemed teasing: "......Since it is a destiny destined to be with Brother Zizheng, I'm naturally willing to marry Brother Zizheng."

Father Bai and others: "......"

Mrs. Li: ???

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